ADAM Suprasternal
One device. One location. Ten digital biomarkers.
Suprasternal Monitoring
ADAM sensors provide continuous health status monitoring via a wide range of digital biomarkers. The ADAM sensor’s thin, soft form factor enables skin-interfaced measurements of acousto-mechanic signals continuously and wirelessly even on sensitive regions such as the suprasternal notch.
ADAM monitors unique digital biomarkers such as swallow, cough, core body position, and talk time in addition to traditional vital signs such as heart rate, respiratory rate, and skin temperature
Comfortable device and adhesive and long battery life enable continuous or semi-continuous monitoring during routine daily activities and physical exercise
Operates reliably even in environments with a high level of ambient noise
The use of motion sensors rather than an audio microphone eliminates privacy concerns of solutions that monitor and record ambient audio
ADAM Suprasternal Monitoring Capabilities
Measure heart rate without the burden and safety concerns of exposed metal leads used by ECG-based monitoring
Continuous monitoring of respiratory rate - a fundamental vital sign that is sensitive to different pathological conditions
Track skin temperature over time to monitor patient health
Swallow frequency is a key indicator of swallow function, an important health risk in diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s Dementia
Cough frequency gives insight into the onset and progression of respiratory disease
Track talk time to determine levels of socialization and changes in behavior that may indicate depression or onset of disease
Track snoring activity
Movement is important to overall patient health; reduction in movement may indicate injury, depression or onset of disease
Track how many times the patient falls; determine if intervention is warranted
Track subject's body position over time: supine, prone, left side, right side, or upright